
Showing posts from January, 2023


The other day I viewed a few TED Talks, and they were quite eye opening and informative about your online privacy.  The first one I viewed was about how your online life can be permanent, just as a tattoo. Your online personality can say so much about you. As technology becomes more prominent in every day life, our online footprint leaves us at so much of a risk, to the point where a single picture of our face can identify our name, socials, criminal records, credit scores, all of that. It's quite scary how easily you can be identified on the internet, I suggest watching this video by Juan Enriquez . It teaches you a great lesson on how to keep yourself safe on the internet by thinking before you post anything that might be revealing to your life. The next one I viewed was by Catherine Crump , and how the government may know more about you than you thought. She told her viewers how local police departments have automatic license plate scanners that take pictures of a car and its li


I have never been a political person. Never really followed elections, at any level, throughout my lifetime growing up. With this preface in mind, I never knew much about the United States governmental system. Today, I read an article about Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) and a brief rundown of its history. And I must say, I learned quite a lot. The SCOTUS is the highest level court in the United States, with one Chief Justice and eight other Associate Justices to join.  I learned that whenever there is an impeachment process against the US President, the Chief Justice is the one who presides over the trials. This hasn't been used very much over the United States' history, but recently, former president Donald Trump was under scrutiny and while I heard the impeachment thrown around, and I knew what impeachment meant in the big picture, I had no idea how that process worked. I was also quite surprised to read that there have been a total of 115 justices to serve on


With the world becoming more and more technologically driven, there are numerous news sources where one can obtain information. This info could range anywhere from the national news to your local sports team's score from the ballgame last night. Today, I am going to list my top five news sources that I use for myself, and maybe you will check them out too! 5. ESPN ESPN is a cable network and news site that focuses solely on sports. Based in the United States, they claim to be the "worldwide leader in sports," and they make a pretty good argument. I like using ESPN because I know their sources are legitimate. They have insiders all around the world ready to get the scoop on each headline that's ready to drop. They are quite reliable and is a safe source for your sports needs. However, I rank it at #5 for a few reasons. Firstly, its only reliable for sports news, they don't do anything else. Secondly, they aren't exactly the fastest. There are other places onlin