I recently watched a YouTube documentary video titled In The Age of AI, and they tackled the idea of automation and employment trends in the United States. They stated that the standard of living has dropped 10-15%, due to the silent killer of automation of people losing their job due to automation. This includes file reading and reporting, self checkouts, transferring data, etc. There is a large risk looming over the future, and the results could be astounding.

One eye opening facet they mentioned was the fact that students of those who lost their job to automation are more likely to struggle in school, and/or repeat a grade. Another fact they mentioned was how many of the jobs at risk to being automated, are primarily held by women. The economy specifically at risk. An unstable economy is a big target for automation, eventually forcing out those people who work in the industry. 

Inequality has risen in America over the last 40 years. The wealthy are getting wealthier and the poor are getting poorer, its harder to get an opportunity if you don't have your own resources. AI has been a big driver towards the rise of inequality, substituting capital for labor. AI gives those who use it a heavy capital boost, and is a trend business could very well use in the future to save money.

An automated work system is definitely something to fear in the future, mostly because its heavily uncertain, yet full of negative potential. Large companies buy smaller successful companies, and those large companies are using AI to succeed. Facebook using user preferences, they've bought a ton of smaller businesses and taken them in recently. They integrate this AI into the companies they purchase, furthering the widespread use of AI. It is destroying jobs right under our noses, right in plain sight. 

Privacy is another threat, as these AI services have been silently stealing our data, which can be seen as a lack of privacy. "We have been searching up Google, not knowing that Google is also searching us," as said in the documentary. These business know more about you than you would ever suspect. 

Rich people and parties can buy this data, and they can use it in massive ways. In 2016, Facebook had let their data out and Cambridge Analytica was able to heavily influence the 2016 US Presidential Election. They had the ability to influence our government.

Data breaches can lead to other parties getting all your info as well, including usernames and passwords, something tat AI can execute and farm from unexpecting companies. Identity theft is a real possibility due to AI. 

AI has a large choice in how our future unravels, and its more than you could ever think, and there needs to be a limit that we place on AI to prevent it from doing so.


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